Een grappig gevouwen krant
I’ll keep this one in mind
Brilliant rejectionletter rejectionletter, might come in handy when you’re looking for a job and need a laugh..
Exaggerating is an art
How low can you go: A website devoted to banning the Comic Sans font.
“In 1995 Microsoft released the font Comic Sans originally designed for comic book style talk bubbles containing informational help text. Since that time the typeface has been used in countless contexts from restaurant signage to college exams to medical information. These widespread abuses of printed type threaten to erode the very foundations upon which centuries of typographic history are built”.
How dramatic huh? As if people don’t notice the silly type. It is like stating that that horrible powerpoint guy is killing creativity and makes painters and artists obsolete.
The intention to remove this font from the fontpool is a noble intention though.
Woordwonders en andere taalheden
De Nieuwste Neologismen
Woorden die nooit de kans hebben gekregen om in onbruik te geraken
Woordenboek van de homeys uit the hood. En van Ice T natuurlijk.
Niet bestaande woordenboek, bij vlagen ‘filarious ‘.